Most important Laws
- Here you can see in detail about the most important Indian Law. This treasure trove of information will be of great help to law students and academics, and those interested in Indian politics and the constitution will appreciate it.
- This article discusses various laws passed by the Parliament of India and when required. In the long run, these laws have had a positive impact on the state of the country and the economy.
- The way the nation has progressed and is now functioning is the result of laws passed by Parliament. The daily life of the citizens is changed by these many Indian Laws.
- In this article, we will understand the list of notable activities in India. All these dimensions are important Indian Law.
5 Acts that Transformed Indian Law
Here, we’ll talk about five of the numerous Acts that have changed the nation:
The States Reorganization Act, 1956
- The States Reorganization Act, 1956 settled the boundaries and territories of India based on the language spoken in the region.
- In India’s newly formed Constitution, the states were divided into four broad categories and designated as Part A states, Part B states, Part C states, and Part D states.
Act of 1958 Protecting Historical Monuments and Archaeology Sites and Graves
- The AMASR Act of 1959 was passed by the Indian Parliament.
- The Archaeological Survey of India is governed by this Act, which ensures the security and protection of historic and archaeological sites, monuments, and other remnants of national significance.
The 2016 Act known as the Aadhaar
- The Aadhaar Act of 2016 aims to deliver services and subsidies to the nation’s citizens in a targeted manner.
- Each person residing in the nation is given a number, or an Aadhaar number, to serve as their unique identification.
The Environment Protection Act, 1986
- The Environment Protection Act was put into effect in 1986 in order to safeguard and enhance the environment.
- The Act gives the Central Government the authority to create Authorities under Section 3(3) in order to reduce environmental pollution and manage environmental issues across the nation.
- The Act had its final modification in 1991.
Act of 2009 Concerning Children’s Right to Free and Compulsory Education
- This Act, which was enacted on August 4, 2009, was created out of concern for the education and improvement of children.
- The Act emphasized the necessity and need for compulsory and free education for children between 6 to 18 years of age.
- Every kid has the fundamental right to an education under Article 21 A of the Constitution. On April 1, 2010, this Act became operative.
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List of Important Indian Law
A partial list of the other Acts addressed in the book is provided below, however it is not all-inclusive:
Historical Acts
- Regulating Act 1773
- Charter Act 1783
- Charter Act 1793
- Charter Act 1813
- Charter Act 1833
- Charter Act 1855
- Government of India Act 1858
- Thuggee and Dacoity Suppression Acts
- Indian councils Act 1861
- Indian councils Act 1892
- Indian Councils Act 1909
- Criminal Tribes Act 1871
- Government of India Act 1919
- Government of India Act 1935
- Defense of India Act 1915
- Rowlett Act
- Indian Independence Act 1947
Acts pertaining to Indian politics, government, and the judiciary
- Representation of people Act 1951
- Right to education Act
- Right to information Act
- Official Secret Act 1923
- Epidemic Diseases Act 1923
- Disaster Management Act 2005
- Bill 2019: Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Amendment
- Drug Price Control Order Act 2013
- National Medical Commission Bill Act2019
- Amendment Bill for Mines and Mineral Development from 2015
- Personal Data Protection Bill 2019
- Information Technology Act 2000
- Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985
- 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act 1992
- Government of NCT of Delhi 2021
- Places of worship Act 1991
- 102nd Amendment Act
- Prevention of Corruption Act 1988
- Tribunals Reforms Act 2021
Environmental protection laws
- Act of 1974 again for prevention and control of water pollution
- Forest conservation Act 1980
- Act of 1981 on Air Pollution Prevention and Control
- Wildlife Protection Act 1972
- National Water Framework Bill 2016
- Biological Diversity Act 2002
- Forest Rights Act
- Forest Conservation Act 1980
- Wildlife Protection Act 1972
- Indian Forest Act 1927
- Energy Conservation Act 2001
Laws that address problems arising from economics
- The Comptroller Auditor General’s Office was set up by a 1971 law (Duties, Powers, and Conditions of Service)
- The Income Tax Act, 1961
- The Goods and Services Tax Legislation, 2017
- Taxation Laws Act 2021
- Major Port Authorities Act 2021
- Inland Vessels Bill Act 2021
- Code on Social Security Act 2020
- Consumer Protection Act 2019
- Indian Companies Act 2019
- Foreign Contribution Regulation Act
- Industrial Disputes Act 1947
- Labor Codes Act
- Prevention of Laundering Act
- Code on Wages Bill Act 2019
Activities for social welfare and women empowerment
- The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961
- 2005 Domestic Violence Act to Protect Women
- Act of 2013 against sexual harassment of women at work (prevention, prohibition, and redress)
- 2019 Muslim Women’s Act
- Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act
- Juvenile Justice Act
- Hindu Widow Remarriage Act 1856
- Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929
- Act of 2019 Protecting Muslim Women’s Rights in Marriage
- Amending Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Act of 2018
- Indecent Representation of Women Act 1986
- Sexual Harassment Bill Act
- Medical Termination of pregnancy 2021
Acts Dealing with Intellectual Property Rights
- The Copyright Act, 1957
- The Patents Act, 1970
- The Trade Marks Act, 1999
Acts for Addressing Indian Societal Structure
- The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Act of 1989, which prohibits atrocities against such groups
- Act of 2006 recognizing the rights of traditional forest dwellers and scheduled tribes
- The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006
Consolidation and reorganization Acts for the Nation
- The States Reorganization Act, 1956
- The North-eastern Areas (Reorganization) Act, 1971
- The Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019
Acts Promoting Transparency in Governance
- The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
- The Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003
- The Right to Information Act, 2005
Acts Addressing Issues Arising out of Economy
- The Comptroller Auditor General Act of 1971
- The Income Tax Act, 1961
- The Goods and Services Tax Legislation, 2017
- We trust that this essay was useful in educating readers about the Significant Acts that Transformed India.
- These Acts have had a beneficial impact on the nation’s economy and the quality of life for its residents.
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