Hello, You are searching for Ken Nugent net worth on the internet. If yes, you are in the right place to find out Ken Nugent net worth. In this article, we will give Ken Nugent net worth below and also talk about his early life, education, personal life, professional life, and achievements throughout the post.

Who is Attorney Ken Nugent?
Ken Nugent is a very famous attorney in Georgia who practices only in the field of personal injury law and runs a prosperous law practice under the name Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. The five children he has all contribute in some way to the operation of the family business. As of 2023, estimated Ken Nugent net worth of $10 million.
Attorney Ken Nugent Net Worth and bio
Attorney Ken Nugent Net worth: $10 million
Real name: Kenneth S. Nugent
Date of birth: May 21, 1959
Place of birth: Georgia
Gender: Male
Profession: attorney
Nationality: United States of America
Attorney Ken Nugent’s Early Life
Ken Nugent, whose actual name at birth is Kenneth S. Nugent, was born in the year 1959 in the state of Georgia, which is located in the United States. He spent his childhood in the company of his mother, Marguerite Nugent, as well as his two brothers. While his son was growing up, Ken’s dad saw service in both world wars. He was a true hero. His grandmother, Marguerite, was the family matriarch, and his grandfather was a devoted husband to her.
Attorney Ken Nugent’s education
Ken Nugent received his bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York at Albany in 1977 after completing his undergraduate studies there. Emory University School of Law in Atlanta was where he received his legal education from 1970 until 1980. Because Ken was such a conscientious student, he was able to excel on the bar exam, and as a result, he was accepted into the Georgia State Bar.
Attorney Ken Nugent’s personal life
Ken Nugent and his wife had been together for a remarkable 30 years. They have five children. Ken has made the decision to keep his personal life private, and he has not disclosed a great deal of information about it to the general public. In the event that there are any new developments or information that is made available to the general public, we will be sure to relay all of the most recent information to you.
Attorney Ken Nugent’s Family: Wife and Child’s
Ken Nugent and his wife have been together for more than 30 years and are very much in love. On the other hand, private information about his family is not readily available to the general public. It is well known that he enjoys a happy family life with his five offspring.
Attorney Ken Nugent’s Professional Life
Since October 1989, Ken Nugent has been dedicated to assisting injured victims and their families. He wanted to construct a law firm that valued and helped these people, so he used his imagination and ideas to build the largest law firm in the Southeast. Ken Nugent started Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., after finishing his studies, which has grown to become one of the largest law firms in the Southeast. The business only represents those who have been injured.
Ken Nugent established his first office in Atlanta and established strong foundations that are still in effect today. These principles include ease of access, a desire to assist others, a local presence, availability, and giving back. Because of these qualities, his organization is dependable and efficient in serving its clients. Ken Nugent’s activities grew over time, and he now has offices in Augusta, Columbus, Macon, Albany, Atlanta, and Savannah, all in Georgia. Personal injury, wrongful death, workers’ compensation, and medical negligence are among his areas of competence.
Ken Nugent has supported and worked on 15 automobile accidents, 13 wrongful death cases, and 13 personal injury cases throughout his career. He coined the phrase “One Call, That’s All,” which became popular and even inspired Fox to create a TV sitcom based on it. Peter Siaggas, a director and producer known for his work on Free Radio, the Lance Krall broadcast, and Jimmy Kimmel Live, appeared on the broadcast. Ken Nugent has also starred in several advertisements, employing creative ideas to promote his company. Nugent’s Flame Throwers is a project he started in 2017.
Attorney Ken Nugent’s Achievements
In 2017, Emory Law School student Nathaniel Lancaster was selected as the recipient of the Legal Scholarship Award. Students who demonstrate exceptional need are eligible to receive a scholarship from him annually in the amount of $10,000.
Finally, Ken Nugent net worth is estimated to be around $10 million. This money comes from his successful career as an accident lawyer. Ken and his family live on a luxurious property in the Atlanta metropolitan region. He owns a number of significant assets and properties.
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Note: All net worths given above were calculated using data obtained from public sources. And we also incorporate personal notes and comments from celebrities or their representatives. We are constantly working to ensure that the numbers presented here are as accurate as possible. If there are any corrections, please let us know using the button below.